
Serra de Collserola Natural Park

92 Carretera de l'Església, Barcelona, Catalunya


The Parc de Collserola is a metropolitan park with an area of 85km² that covers the mountain range between the rivers Besòs and Llobregat and separates Barcelona from the Vallès plain. Its highest point is Tibidao where the namesake amusement park and Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are located. The biodiversity is substantial with over 1000 types of plants and a varied wildlife including wild boars, badgers, eagles and even turtles. This is a popular weekend destination for cycling, walking and birdwatching.

Access & Transport

Besides driving, there are many public transport options depending on where you wish to go within the range. These include the FCG train lnes, the metre L3 and L11, the Funicular de Vallvidrera, the Funicular del Tibidabo and RENFE trains. Please refer to the following link: https://www.parcnaturalcollserola.cat/en/how-to-get-to-the-park/

Instructions & Recommendations

If you are planning on a proper hike, make sure you wear proper shoes, carry water and some snacks. The following link has a list of trails / hike itineraries ranging from 3km to 20km with varied levels of fitness / difficulty: https://itineraris-senyalitzats.diba.cat/pages/filter/itineraris

Meta review

Reviews are positive with visitors really enjoying their walk and being surprised at finding such a natural environment so close to a big city like Barcelona. The main area for improvement pointed out is the lack of maps and general information in English language (everything is written in Catalan).

Environmental & Social

People who enjoy hiking and nature tend to be environmentally more conscious so this type of activity should be encouraged. The trail is mostly kept free of rubbish. Some nature on the doorstep of the city's residents


The Parc de Collserola is the best outdoor option in the vicinity of Barcelona. It has enough to offer for a few hours hike, trail run or mountain biking. We think this is a good family activity, getting out of an urban setting.

Key positive

Close to the city with several public transport options

Enjoyable trails, landscapes and views

Some excellent "hidden" restaurants

Key negative

Lack of information and clear trail maps

Lack of water points


Suitable for all ages as there are hikes / trails for every level. Many of the paths are dirt tracks that are quite even so people with reduced mobility might be able to access some of them.

About this Rating




May 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit

av. transport time:1h

est. visit time:3h

Sunlight based

Sunrise / early morningOk


Lunch timeOk


Sunset / eveningOk

Night – bef. midnightNo

Night – aft. midnightNo


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