
Koralgo contains thousands of property and activity reviews and, thanks to our unique approach, we enable users to rank hotels or rank activities for their selected destination or just explore them in a simple list format. You can also select activity reviews that are of interest for your next trip and purchase a pdf document that consolidate all of them.

The icing on the cake though, is the platform’s ability to generate bespoke itineraries based on specific dates and personal preferences. This itinerary and all related activity reviews form a personalized pdf travel guidebook that can be purchased for the price of a cup of coffee.

Find a specific review

In the search box on the website’s header, key in the activity or property name and select the relevant match.

Rank and book hotels in a destination

Select the “Stays” tab and your destination, change the inputs as required to personalize your search, and then click the "Find the Best" button.

The results page shows ranked properties based on their respective best offers taking into account a) the quality of the property, b) the type of room, c) whether breakfast is included, and d) the cancellation terms

For each property, you can use the "Booking.com" button to direct you towards the website of our partner Booking.com so you can complete your transaction. We use a revenue sharing model so there is absolutely no extra cost to you by coming from our platform - but if you close your Booking.com session and go back later then we don't receive anything so if you think our website is helpful, don't do that (or use our links every time)!

Rank and book activities in a destination

Select the “Activities” tab and your destination, change the inputs as required to personalize your search, and then click the "Find the Best" button. The results page shows ranked activities based on your personal interests and budget.

We partnered with GetYourGuide and Viator so that, for some activities, you can click on the “Book Activity” button and proceed with your booking on their platform. We use a revenue sharing model so there is no extra cost to you by coming from our site.

See list of activities or properties in a destination

Once you have selected your destination, if you are on the "Activities" tab you will see the number of Activities reviews below the input fields, if you are on the "Stays" tab you will see the number of Properties reviews, and if you are on the "Itineraries" you will see both numbers. Click on the relevant number to open the list in a new tab.

On that page, you can move up the geographic hierarchy using the breadcrumbs to display the list of Activities and Properties in those respective destinations.

Create a Review Pack

Select your destination and the "Activities" tab then click on the number of Activities reviews displayed below the input fields; this will open a page with the list of activities. Pressing the "Review Pack" gives you the option to select all reviews that are of interest and purchase them combined into a single pdf document. You will receive an email with a link so that you can download that document on your preferred device(s).

Generate a personalized itinerary and save/export it

Select the “itineraries” tab, a destination and fill the input field as appropriate, then press the “Find the Best” button. After a few seconds you will see an optimized itinerary for the selected dates.

The “Select Hotels” button will enable you to rank hotel offers for the city (or cities) you will be staying in.

The “Buy Itinerary Pack” button allows you to purchase a pdf document combining the itinerary with all the activity reviews contained within. You will receive an email with a link so that you can download that document on your preferred device(s)

The ”Show” button starts a slideshow of the activities contained in the itinerary

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