
Aix-en-Provence town

Place de l'Hôtel de ville, Aix-en-Provence, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur


Aix-en-Provence is a lively town with a history going to the 2nd century BC; it was founded by the Romans before being occupied by the Visigoths towards the end of the 5th century AD. For a time, it was the capital of Provence and became part of the Kingdom of France with the rest of the region in 1487. It has been a university town since the early 15th century and still is today. Tourist highlights include the Cours Mirabeau (the city's main commercial thoroughfare), the Aix Cathedral (started construction in the 12th century) with a mix of Romanesque, Gothic and Neo-Gothic elements, the Town Hall, the Fountain of the Four Dolphins, and several villas that are now housing various art museums.

Access & Transport

The city is a 30mins drive from Marseille on the A7/A51 and can also be reached in 1h by regional train or bus. It is 80km / 1h drive southeast of Avignon on the A7.

Instructions & Recommendations

We would advise those interested in cultural activities to include a visit to the Granet Museum and/or the Hôtel de Caumont.

Meta review

Internationally, Aix-en-Provence lives a little in the shadows of its neighbour Marseille, but it is quite well known in France and is often included in regional travel itineraries or "day trip" suggestions. Visitors really seem to enjoy the city for its liveliness, good stores and restaurant, the fountains and streets of the "old Aix", and the several excellent museums.

Environmental & Social

The main activities in the city have a low carbon footprint. Tourism is a welcome injection of activity and revenues in the local economy


Aix-en-Provence is deservedly popular for its various cultural activities, pleasant streets, good restaurants, and lively atmosphere. It is also a convenient base to explore the region.

Key positive

Charming old lanes and buildings

Quality of regional food and cuisine

Close to several other regional tourist attractions

Key negative



No restrictions

About this Rating




June 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit

av. transport time:0h 40m

est. visit time:4h

Sunlight based

Sunrise / early morningNo


Lunch timeOk


Sunset / eveningOk

Night – bef. midnightOk

Night – aft. midnightNo


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