
Al Marmoom Heritage Festival

e66 Al Ain - Dubai Road, Dubai, Dubai


The Al-Marmoom Heritage Festival is a yearly event organized at the Dubai Camel Racing Club, generally for 15 days early April. The festival's objective is to show off camel racing and the Emirati culture, handicrafts, music and cuisine to tourists. For this purpose, a temporary village is erected in the centre of the racetrack with several dozen small shops and kiosks. See below a link to the 2019 event program to give you a sense of what you can expect: https://www.almarmoomfestivals.ae/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/event-calendar-2019.pdf

Access & Transport

The Camel Racing track is 40km to the southeast of the city, along the road to Al Ain. The best is to go by car / taxi but there are also some bus shuttles during the festival.

Instructions & Recommendations

Our recommendation is to try to catch a camel race and a cultural show when planning for a visit to the festival. Do note that it takes place only 2 weeks per year.

Meta review

Few reviews about the festival but some can be found about the camel races. Most tourists are glad to have gone to the track and learn about a sport that is very popular in the Gulf. The key issues seem to have been the challenge in getting the information about the races and organizing transport on the way back.

Environmental & Social

With the now widespread replacement of children jockeys by robots, the main issue is the training and racing conditions of the camels. Neutral from an environmental perspective.


A trip to the Al Marmoom heritage festival is something to consider if you happen to be in Dubai at that time of the year - it is a great opportunity to catch a camel race in a more touristy setting. At other times of the year, it is possible to watch a race, but you will need to organize yourself and there won't be any F&B and events.

Key positive

A more comprehensive way, if slightly less authentic, to watch camel races

Some free bus shuttles available from Dubai City centre

Something different!

Key negative

Can be a little time consuming to get there without your own transport

Only 2 weeks per year so your dates would need to coincide.


No restrictions

About this Rating




May 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit
The festival lasts only a few days every year

av. transport time:0h 50m

est. visit time:3h

Regulated hours

Start of Season 1:Apr, 06

Season 1

MONDAY17:00 - 21:30

TUESDAY17:00 - 21:30

WEDNESDAY17:00 - 21:30

THURSDAY17:00 - 21:30

FRIDAY17:00 - 21:30

SATURDAY17:00 - 21:30

SUNDAY17:00 - 21:30

Start of Season 2:Apr, 19

Season 2









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