
Lac d'Hourtin

Avenue du Lac, Hourtin, Nouvelle-Aquitaine


The Lac d'Hourtin-Carcans is located 60km to the northwest of Bordeaux and about 5km inland from the Atlantic Ocean. Its shape is quite elongated, 18km at its longest on a north-south axis but only 5km in width. With a surface area of ~57 km² it is technically the largest freshwater lake that is situated entirely in France. The lake is dotted by several beaches (Lachanau, la Gracieuse, la Banane, de Piqueyrot and du Port) and Hourtin Harbour, and the north-western shore until the Ocean is a natural reserve made of marshlands and dunes. Activities include Stand Up Paddle, Canoe, Sailing and land activities such as walking, cycling, mini golf and horse riding.

Access & Transport

From the south (Arcachon area), head north past Lacanau; from Bordeaux head northwest on the D6 until Sainte Helene and then follow Carcans; from the Haut-Medoc it is straight east to Hourtin port (30km from Pauillac); and from the Medoc it would be due south to Hourtin Port as well. No real public transport options

Instructions & Recommendations

Activities around the lake are best enjoyed on sunny days. Please check relevant websites for opening days and hours.

Meta review

The lake is one of several on the stretch along the Atlantic Ocean from the Medoc all the way south to Biarritz and it is not widely known or touristy. This is definitely a positive and the vast majority of reviewers do enjoy their time around the lake (many stay for several days). The highlights are the scenery, relative ease of parking (free) and the various activities that can be done as a family. Only a few negative comments regarding rubbish on some of the beaches but this doesn't seem to be a consistent issue.

Environmental & Social

This is a green activity unless you are planning to use a motorboat. Revenues from tourism also help the rural economy and local communities


The Lac d'Hourtin is a low key and multi-faceted destination: it mixes nature, water and land activities that should suit your interests and mood. There are a few accommodation options, so it is worth considering staying overnight if you need a little downtime and a low budget destination.

Key positive

Several scenic areas along the waterfront

Not very touristy / crowded

Plenty of activities for adults and children

Key negative

A bit of a drive to get there

Several beaches are some distance from the main road


Suitable for all ages - great for families in fact. Only partially accessible for visitors with reduced mobility

About this Rating




May 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit
Many activities will not be operational from mid-Fall until mid-Spring.

av. transport time:1h 30m

est. visit time:3h 30m

Sunlight based

Sunrise / early morningOk


Lunch timeOk


Sunset / eveningOk

Night – bef. midnightNo

Night – aft. midnightNo


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