
Tai Kwun Centre

10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong Island


Tai Kwun compound re-opened to the public in 2018 after extensive renovations as a centre for heritage and arts. It was originally the Central Police Station Compound comprising of the Central Police Station, the Former Central Magistracy, and the Victoria Prison. It is located above Hollywood Road and flanked by Old Bailey st and Arbuthnot rd There are 2 large courtyards and more than a dozen blocks, including previous prison cells that can be visited along the gallery in the Barrack Block that gives excellent information about the site's history. The complex also includes the contemporary Herzog & de Meuron-designed JC Contemporary (modern art gallery) and JC Cube.

Access & Transport

It is very easy to get to Tai Kwun, the best way is to take the MTR up to Central or Hong Kong station and then walk for 10 mins. The mid-levels escalator can be used and you can exit right next to the old Bailey st entrance.

Instructions & Recommendations

It is best to go when the museum galleries are open to get the maximum out of your visit and maybe follow that up with a lunch or dinner at one of the restaurants and a visit to JC Contemporary. It is possible to book free 45' guided tours online and visitors can use the centre's leaflets and audio guides for self-guided walks. It would be a good idea to combine a visit to Tai Kwun with a broader discovery of Sheung Wan or Central neighbourhoods, including Man Mo Temple.

Meta review

The online reviews are very positive about Tai Kwun, praising it as a great example of urban revitalization. Many reviewers think the galleries are highly informative about the justice and penal system of HK as a colony and find the complex to be a good place for a break. The main negative comments are that the renovated buildings feel "fake" and that there is not that much to do there.

Environmental & Social

The construction and renovation would have been energy and materials intensive but on an ongoing basis this is a pretty low impact activity. Slightly positive from a social perspective as it helps preserve the city's historical heritage.


The Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts has lent a new life to a complex of old buildings, successfully mixing some museum type of galleries, a large event space in the central courtyard, some high-end restaurants and a modern art gallery. Many people will enjoy lingering there for a couple of hours whilst others will be done in 30mins, but it is worth putting it on your list of places to see when in Hong Kong Island.

Key positive

Very impressive restoration of old buildings

Informative about the judicial and penal system

High-end restaurants and bars options in a great setting

Key negative

The old buildings were meant to be functional so do not expect to be impressed by the architecture


This complex is suitable for everybody, even the children will find some aspects of it (e.g. prison cells) interesting. There are some "accessible guided tours" for people with specific needs, it is best to contact the centre to arrange ahead of time

About this Rating




May 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit
These are the Visitor Centre opening hours

av. transport time:0h 25m

est. visit time:1h 15m

Regulated hours

Monday10:00 - 20:00

Tuesday10:00 - 20:00

Wednesday10:00 - 20:00

Thursday10:00 - 20:00

Friday10:00 - 20:00

Saturday10:00 - 20:00

Sunday10:00 - 20:00


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