
Úbeda town, Andalusia

Plaza Vázquez de Molina, Úbeda, Andalucía


Úbeda is a touristic town located in the centre of Jaen province, in northern Andalusia. It became part of the Kingdom of Castile in 1233 and several important local aristocratic families reached top positions in the Spanish Monarchy during the 16th and 17th century. Many of the town monuments were built during that period. The main sights include Vázquez de Molina Square surrounded by Renaissance buildings, the Basílica de Santa María de los Reales Alcázares, the Hospital de Santiago, and the Chapel of the Savior.

Access & Transport

The town is 60km to the northeast of Jaén on the A-316 and only 10km east of Baeza

Instructions & Recommendations

Travellers often visit both Ubeda and Baeza back-to-back as those are only a 10-15mins drive from each other.

Meta review

Online reviews are mostly excellent as relates to the main sights in town: the main square (Plaza Vazquez de Molina) shines for its well-balanced design and surrounding buildings, the Chapel of San Salvador is impressive both on the outside and the inside with a wealth of architectural features and sculptural elements, etc. Even smaller attractions such as the Synagoga del Agua get the thumbs up for providing visitors with insights in the way of life of the Jews during the heydays of the town,

Environmental & Social

The main activities in town have a low carbon footprint. Tourism is a welcome injection of activity and revenues in the local economy and helps preserve the town's architectural, historical and artistic heritages.


Úbeda is charming with plenty to see so we would strongly encourage visitors on a regional itinerary to spend most of a day there (and possibly the night). There isn't one single attraction worth a special detour, but as an ensemble, it is.

Key positive

Several sights in town

Key negative

Time consuming to get to


No restrictions

About this Rating




June 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit

av. transport time:1h

est. visit time:4h

Sunlight based

Sunrise / early morningOk


Lunch timeOk


Sunset / eveningOk

Night – bef. midnightNo

Night – aft. midnightNo


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