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Catedral de Astorga

Plaza la Catedral, Astorga, Castilla y León


The Cathedral of Astorga construction started towards the end of the 15th century but the building was only completed during the 18th century; consequently the church design is primarily Gothic but the cloister is Neo-Classicist in style and the towers are Baroque. The main architectural feature is the richly carved western façade with flying buttresses linking the two towers to the central body. Inside, the main altarpiece sculpted by Gaspar Becerra draws the eye along the length of the nave.

Access & Transport

The cathedral is situated at the northern edge of the centre of Astorga, in the western part of León province. There is a car park next to the Episcopal Palace. Astorga is 45km west of the city of León (N-120); there are direct buses making the trip in 50mins.

Instructions & Recommendations

We suggest combining this attraction with a visit of the Episcopal Palace of Astorga

Meta review

There are two aspects to online reviews: the profusely decorated main façade is a hit for most visitors who also enjoy the intermingling of styles; the inside however is much more standard and despite the presence of several religious artworks (on which the audio-guide tends to dwell too long instead of spending more time on the architectural features), it is not obvious to all that it warrants the entrance fee.

Environmental & Social

The ongoing environmental footprint is low. Part of the town's cultural and architectural heritages


The cathedral is one of the town's main attractions and those interested in architecture and/or religious art should go inside to admire the main altarpiece and the small museum. For others, make sure to have a look from outside.

Key positive

Stunning western façade

Key negative

Admission fee too steep considering the content inside


No religious denomination restrictions and accessible for visitors with reduced mobility, except for the tower.

About this Rating




August 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit
Last admission 45mins before closing

av. transport time:0h 45m

est. visit time:0h 50m

Regulated hours

Monday10:00 - 20:30

Tuesday10:00 - 20:30

Wednesday10:00 - 20:30

Thursday10:00 - 20:30

Friday10:00 - 20:30

Saturday10:00 - 20:30

Sunday10:00 - 20:30

This is for the visit of the cathedral only (does not include the tower)
Age band
Age band
Regular price / pers.
65 - 99
18 - 64
Teen & Young
13 - 17
3 - 12
0 - 2
Audio-guide included. Price for university students up to 25 is €5.50

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