
Lyon Cathedral

Place Saint-Jean, Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes


Lyon Cathedral (or Cathédrale Saint-Jean) was built between the late 12th and late 15th century in what is now the Old Lyon district. It is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist and gave its name to the neighbourhood. The dominant architectural style is Gothic, although the apse and choir are of Romanesque design, and the 80m long building backs out on the Saône river. Highlights include the 14th century frontage with a large rose window by Jacques de Beaujeu, an astronomical clock from the same period, and an 8 tons bell cast in 1622.

Access & Transport

Address: 8 place Saint-Jean in the 5th arr. The Vieux Lyon - Cathédrale Saint-Jean metro (D) and funicular (F1, F2) is located next to the square in front of the Cathedral. It is also a short walk to Place Bellecour (A, D) across the bridge over the Saone river.

Instructions & Recommendations

The astronomical clock strikes at 12h, 14h, 15h and 16h. We suggest combining this activity with a visit of the Old Lyon and the Musée Cinéma et Miniature (only 2mins' walk away)

Meta review

The Cathedral gets excellent online reviews for its impressive façade and the neighbourhood around it, but comments about the interior are mixed with some visitors finding it lacks in character and artwork whilst other really enjoy the rosace + stained glass windows and the astronomical clock.

Environmental & Social

The running environmental footprint is low and the church is part of the city's architectural and historical heritage.


Saint John's Cathedral is an integral part of the Saint Jean's neighbourhood that any traveller to Lyon should include in his/her itinerary. The interior is nice and bright but a little underwhelming compared to the dramatic façade, possibly because it had to be heavily renovated in the 19th century.

Key positive

Imposing and photogenic facade

Centrally located

Key negative

The interior is bright but lacking in character


No religious denomination restrictions

About this Rating




June 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit
Opens at 13h on 01 Jan, Easter Mon., 01 May, 08 May, Pentecost Mon., 14 Jul, 11 Nov

av. transport time:0h 20m

est. visit time:0h 45m

Regulated hours

Monday08:15 - 19:45

Tuesday08:15 - 19:45

Wednesday08:15 - 19:45

Thursday08:15 - 19:45

Friday08:15 - 19:45

Saturday08:15 - 19:00

Sunday08:15 - 19:00


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