Sumiyoshi Taisha
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Sumiyoshi Taisha - by Saigen Jiro (CC0)

Sumiyoshi-taisha is a Shinto shrine founded by empress-regent Jingū in the third century, it is dedicated to three gods of the sea as well as to the empress herself. The architectural style predates the arrival of Buddhism and the honden (most sacred building used solely for the enshrined kami) is built in what became referred to as the Sumiyoshi-zukuri style with thatched gabled roofs, raised floors, and plank walls. Sumiyoshi taisha is extremely popular (and crowded) for hatsumōde , the traditional New Year's Day visit to a shrine.
Access & Transport
The shrine is located in southern Osaka, 6km from Namba station. The Sumiyoshi Taisha Station on the Nankai Main Line and the Sumiyoshitorii-mae station on the Hankai tram line are next to the complex. Sumiyoshi station provides a third option since it is also connected to the Uemachi tram line.
Instructions & Recommendations
The list of rituals and ceremonies throughout the year can be found here:
Environmental & Social
Environmentally neutral + green spaces. Part of the city's architectural, historical and cultural heritages.
Sumiyoshi Taisha is arguably one of Osaka's main religious complexes and is worth a visit. However, those who have toured some of the tourist highlights in Japan should not set their expectations too high as it can't compare in breadth, size or historical importance to some of the main temples & shrines of Kyoto, Ise or Nara, for instance.
Key positive
Very photogenic buildings and bridge
Original architecture
Key negative
No restrictions and mostly accessible for visitors with reduced mobility
About this Rating
August 2024
av. transport time:0h 30m
est. visit time:1h
Start of Season 1:Apr, 01
MONDAY06:00 - 17:00
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Start of Season 2:Oct, 01
MONDAY06:30 - 17:00
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THURSDAY06:30 - 17:00
FRIDAY06:30 - 17:00
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SUNDAY06:30 - 17:00