
St Peter's Square

Piazza Papa Pio XII, Roma, Lazio


Saint Peter's Square (Piazza San Pietro) is located directly in front of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City, inside of Rome. It was named after the apostle Saint Peter who is considered by Catholics to be the first Pope. The open space was redesigned in the 17th century by Gian Lorenzo Bernini so the greatest number of people could see the pope give his blessings. It is 320x240m and the main features are the 25m "Vatican Obelisk" originally from Heliopolis in Egypt and the 2 sets of Doric colonnades framing the elliptical central space and the entrance to the basilica. Trivia: circular stones have been set so that the central obelisk acts as a sundial

Access & Transport

St Peter's Square is 300m from the Risorgimento/S. Pietro tram stop (19) and less than 10mins walk north of the "Roma S. Pietro" train station. It is possible to walk there from the old city by crossing either Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II or Ponte Principe Amedeo Savoia Aosta.

Instructions & Recommendations

Other attractions nearby include St Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums. Note that if you intend to visit the basilica, you will need to dress appropriately: no shorts, vest or sleeveless top.

Meta review

The square, alongside the Basilica, is generally considered must see for any traveller to the city. Online reviews confirm this and highlight the breath-taking size and the special experience of being there, especially one a day when the Pope gives his blessings to the crowd.

Environmental & Social

Activity without carbon footprint (except the lighting at night) and helps maintain the Vatican & city's architectural heritage.


St Peter's Square is special, it does give visitors the impression to be at the center of somewhere or something - even without religious connotation. For a less crowded experience, try early morning or at night. For the full experience, go for the Easter Urbi et Ordi blessings!

Key positive

Impressive in scale and direct views over St Peter's Basilica

Next to other top-tier sights

Key negative



No restrictions

About this Rating




April 2023



Included Items
Duration of visit

av. transport time:0h 30m

est. visit time:0h 30m

Sunlight based

Sunrise / early morningOk


Lunch timeOk


Sunset / eveningOk

Night – bef. midnightOk

Night – aft. midnightNo


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