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Ca' Pesaro - International Gallery of Modern Art

2076 Santa Croce, Venezia, Veneto


The Ca' Pesaro is a Baroque marble palace built in the late 17th century on the edge of the Grand Canal in Venice that houses a Modern Art and an Oriental Art Museums. The place was commissioned by the wealthy Pesaro family and designed by architect Baldassarre Longhena. It stands out for the columns and arches of its first and second floors. The "International Gallery of Modern Art" includes collections of 19th and 20th century paintings, sculptures and graphic art from a mix of Venetian/Italian and international artists. The Oriental Art Museum contains items brought back from Asia in the late 19th century, mainly from Japan, China and Indonesia.

Access & Transport

Address: Santa Croce 2076 - 30135 Venice Vaporettos 1, A, N stop at San Stae, just 100m away and the Rialto bridge is a 10mins walk away

Instructions & Recommendations

If you walk 5mins to Riva de l'Oglio, you will have the best vantage point on another famous palazzo across the canal: Ca' d'Oro (Palazzo Santa Sofia) The Cannaregio neighbourhood with its Ghetto Ebraico is also only 1 vaporetto stop away (alight at S. Marcuola Casino)

Meta review

The museums gets good comments overall, especially on account of special building in which they are housed and the prime location over the Grand Canal. The overarching message is that even though there isn't a huge number of artworks, there is quite a wide range of artists represented and excellent quality items - though no known masterpieces. For many, it is a welcome change from the classical museums that dominate in the city.

Environmental & Social

We deem this activity marginally negative from an environmental standpoint (electricity consumption). It helps spread the arts and preserve the city's architectural heritage.


The combination of the palazzo, modern art and Asian art makes for a unique proposition - nothing spectacular per se, but an excellent option for those looking for a cultural activity and a change from Italian Renaissance paintings.

Key positive

Wide spectrum of artistic movements and items by some famous artists

Not crowded

Key negative

Lack of masterpieces


Accessible for visitors with reduced mobility. Children under 12yrs old may not find the museum very interesting

About this Rating




June 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit
Last admission is 1h before closing. End of day process starts 20mins before closing time

av. transport time:0h 25m

est. visit time:1h 15m

Regulated hours

Start of Season 1:Apr, 01

Season 1


TUESDAY10:00 - 18:00

WEDNESDAY10:00 - 18:00

THURSDAY10:00 - 18:00

FRIDAY10:00 - 18:00

SATURDAY10:00 - 18:00

SUNDAY10:00 - 18:00

Start of Season 2:Nov, 01

Season 2


TUESDAY10:00 - 17:00

WEDNESDAY10:00 - 17:00

THURSDAY10:00 - 17:00

FRIDAY10:00 - 17:00

SATURDAY10:00 - 17:00

SUNDAY10:00 - 17:00

Valid for Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art + Oriental Art Museum
Age band
Age band
Regular price / pers.
65 - 99
15 - 64
6 - 14
0 - 5
Price for students aged 15-25 is 11.5€
Family price
€11.5 additional per additional member

Max total number:3

Max number of adults:2

Min.child age:6

Max.child age:14

Price for family€34.5

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