
Samil beach (Vigo)

Avenida Samil, Vigo, Galicia


Samil is Vigo's most popular beach, it is not very deep but nearly 1km wide with full amenities including swimming pools and some sport fields. It holds a blue flag rating

Access & Transport

The beach is in Naiva, 6km southwest of the centre of Vigo. There is free car park on site Bus lines L10 and C15 go there.

Instructions & Recommendations

If you have a car, you can make a short detour to check out Castrelos Park on the way between the beach and the city centre.

Meta review

The beach is described quite positively, not because of the sand that does the job well but thanks to the comprehensive infrastructure with parking, pools and plenty of F&B options + views of sunset over the Cies Islands. The only drawback is that it can get crowded at high tide (because the sand stretch is not very deep)

Environmental & Social

No carbon footprint linked to this attraction. Some economic benefits to the local community but increased commercialization also has its drawbacks


Samil is not the most beautiful of Galician beaches, there is some serious competition there, but it offers solid value given its proximity to the centre of Vigo (for those making a stop there or residents) and its good tourist infrastructure. Works very well for families

Key positive

Clear water and good sunsets

Family-friendly venue

Key negative

Cold water and can be busy


Suitable for all ages and the promenade is not much higher than the sand so visitors with reduced mobility should be able to enjoy the place

About this Rating




August 2024



Included Items
Duration of visit
Seasonality reflects the weather and water temperature

av. transport time:0h 30m

est. visit time:2h 30m

Sunlight based

Sunrise / early morningOk


Lunch timeOk


Sunset / eveningOk

Night – bef. midnightNo

Night – aft. midnightNo


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